Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Internet Addiction and Its Negative Impacts on Health

Internet Addiction is a serious problem that affects people both physically and mentally. There are many negative health consequences caused by Internet addiction.

The mental effects of internet addiction include: depression, brain damage, and sleep deprivation.
Depression is a major factor of internet addiction. People begin replacing real life social interactions with online interactions, and becoming addicting to online things which are not real can lead to great depression in real life. You can read more about Depression linked to Internet addiction in a previous blog post found here:

In studies, it has been found that Internet addiction can lead to brain damage similar to the brains of those exposed to alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana. Scientists believe that being hooked on a behavior can be just as physically damaging as being hooked on drugs.  Brain scans of internet addicts show disruption to "white matter" nerve fibers that connect vital parts of the brain, such as emotions, decision-making, and self control.

Sleep deprivation is also a major effect of Internet addiction. Staring at a lighted screen for extended periods of time has shown to cause symptoms of insomnia and disrupted sleep rhythms. Extensive computer use has also been shown to have effects on later bed times, less restful sleep, waking up late, and an overall decrease in sleep.


On top of the shocking mental effects of Internet addiction, there are also many physical effects:
·         Weight-gain and a decline in personal hygiene
    -Caused by less physical activity and laziness while being in front of a computer
·         Weaker immune systems
   -Not getting out much because you're in front of a computer all the time, won't expose you to germs and natural things that would strengthen your immune system normally
·         Back aches
 - Spending the majority of your time sitting in front of a computer will eventually cause back problems from slouching and leaning forward too much.
·         Dry eyes and Migraines
- These two are caused by the lit up computer screen. Eventually your eyes will start burning and become dry leading to migraines.

(n.d.). Retrieved from 

On top of all the mental and physical effects of Internet addiction, it can also negatively impact your everyday life.  Negative life consequences of Internet addiction include:
·         Losing your job
-Spending too much time online can cause you to suffer in the work place and eventually lose your job
·         Ruining your marriage
-Internet addiction can cause strain on a marriage and may eventually end up in divorce
·         Becoming financially in debt
-Online gambling and online gaming addicts may have the biggest problem with becoming financially in debt.
·         Academic failure
-Not going to classes or studying because you are too busy being addicted to the Internet can cause serious failure in your academics and future career.

Not only does Internet addiction cause dreadful mental problems and appalling physical repercussions, it can affect and ruin the outcome of your life and future.



  1. personally I would rather be sleepy then playing the computer all the time but there use to be a time where I could have easily sat in front of the comp for a good day or two without even thinking about other things. as for gaming yes it's addictive that is where moderation comes into play or at least it should. But that's not to say that internet isn't addictive by itself because it is and there are more then enough people that are willing to admit to that. that's why we have self help groups and internet addiction is the norm these days

  2. I definitely believe sleep deprivation is a huge negative side effect resulting from internet use. Prior to the internet, people went to bed a decent time. If there was nothing on TV, there was not much else to keep people up. Now that we have the internet available at all hours of the day and night, we always have something to keep us up. Because sleep is very important to our health, this is one problem that we should really try to improve on.

  3. Agreeing with the comment above, I think sleep deprivation is one of the more serious issues of internet addiction just because of how crucial sleep is to not only to physical health but also to mental health. I think for most people it is harder than ever before to acknowledge they may or actually do have an internet addiction because the internet is so intertwined with our generation.

  4. I agree that internet addiction can cause a lot of these negative effects. Do you know how internet addiction can affect the white matter in your brain? I think it's so interesting how internet addiction can affect us like drugs and alcohol without the drugs and alcohol.

  5. There were nights in highschool where I would stay up till 5 am playing COD4 online and three hours later I would wake up for school. These affects are definitely real and after seeing your presentation and reading your blog, I can confidently said I was addicted to that game. It affected me in school because I would be dragging all day with a splitting headache after staying up so late. Internet addiction is completely real.

  6. Internet addiction is for real. I have seen people in social network all the time. It is like a real time journal for them. I had invited some people for camping and they said no because they have no internet access. This is totally ridiculous. They are so hook up to the internet that they have no life other than the internet.

  7. I never thought of the idea of the internet being an addiction because it is a necessity to life now. Unlike drugs and other common addictions - those are harmful behaviors but the internet is something we are forced to use. I understand that people can be in a sense "addicted" but our society pushes us to use the internet for daily tasks. So there may be harmful side affects but can it really be considered an addiction? Its hard to conceptualize that idea.

  8. It is really scary how internet addiction can effect a person. I know there are many in our society that are always on the internet. This is problem that will likely continue to grow, especially with the growing use of smart phones. With the internet available to you at anytime and anywhere, internet addiction is sure to continue to grow. I don't think overuse of the internet will be looked at as a true addiction though, except in the most excessive cases. It will be interesting to see what if any steps will be taken to combat this in the future.
